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Explore our range of portable printers today, from printing memories with friends to capturing golden moments with family.
View our new pocket sized portable colour photo printer in Zoemini 2. Slim and lightweight, wirelessly connect to your phone or tablet and print images on the go.
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Discover the new 2 in 1 mini photo camera and portable printer. The Zoemini S2 is a portable and lightweight device that lets you capture and print images both from the device and your smartphone.
Use your Zoemini with Canon Circle Paper. Transform smartphone snaps into round stickers and decorate notebooks, phones and more. If you’re after even more creativity, the SELPHY Square QX10, CP1300 and CP1500 printers let you print creative prints in a range of different styles and mediums. Get some SELPHY inspiration with our SELPHY Printer Ideas guide.
For any pros out there, take a look at our compact digital cameras and find your perfect camera to accompany your Canon portable printer and start printing your favourite snaps.
Discover the new 2 in 1 mini photo camera and portable printer. The Zoemini S2 is a portable and lightweight device that lets you capture and print images both from the device and your smartphone.
Use your Zoemini with Canon Circle Paper. Transform smartphone snaps into round stickers and decorate notebooks, phones and more. If you’re after even more creativity, the SELPHY Square QX10, CP1300 and CP1500 printers let you print creative prints in a range of different styles and mediums. Get some SELPHY inspiration with our SELPHY Printer Ideas guide.
For any pros out there, take a look at our compact digital cameras and find your perfect camera to accompany your Canon portable printer and start printing your favourite snaps.